Children Missing Education (CME) Virtual Briefing

Sefton SCP are delighted to introduce this new virtual briefing to ensure the Sefton Safeguarding Children Partnership has awareness and understanding of their responsibilities with regard to Children Missing Education.

This briefing will include the importance of identifying which children are potentially more vulnerable and information will be shared regarding the following:

 The 2016 DfE Statutory Guidance for Children Missing Education provides a clear definition for missing in education:

 “All children of compulsory school age who are not on a school roll, nor being educated otherwise (e.g. at home, privately or in alternative provision) and who have been out of any educational provision for a substantial period of time”

 Delivered by Sefton’s CME Co-ordinator.


June 2024

Date Time Duration Location Places Available  
27/06/2024 09:30-10:30 1 Day Virtual 31 Book