Sefton Safeguarding Children Partnership

Operation Encompass

Operation Encompass is an early intervention safeguarding partnership between Education and the Police. Set up in 2011, the original aim of Operation Encompass was to ensure schools were informed, before the start of the next school day, if the police had been called out to a child or young person’s house the previous evening due to a domestic incident and to ensure that children are recognised as victims of Domestic Abuse in their own right and receive the support they require.

Since January 2022 Sefton have extended Operation Encompass to all early years education settings including private, voluntary and independent early years settings.

Operation Encompass provides an efficient, confidential network of communication between the police and Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs) within schools and early years settings. This ensures that the designated practitioners are there to recognise and offer appropriate support if required, and to ensure the school/setting is a secure, supportive and emotionally connected environment to help reducing the wider effects of abuse.

Operation Encompass Helpline for School Staff

A Teachers’ and Early Years Worker Helpline aims to provide free, confidential consultations for school staff when supporting children who are victims of domestic abuse.

So a school receives an Operation Encompass notification about a child in your school and you are unsure of the best way to support, you can access FREE advice from an Education Psychologist about how best to support them, by calling the Operation Encompass Teachers’ National Helpline on 0204 513 9990 (Monday to Friday, 8am-1pm)

For more information about the helpline and how they can best support please click here

Operation Encompass Key Adult Training

All schools and early years settings are now part of Operation Encompass. All Designated Safeguarding Leads are expected to complete the free online training, which will also count towards your yearly CPD hours. This training is also available to anyone wishing to complete it and takes approximately 2 hours to complete:

On Line Key Adult Training: Operation Encompass

Always remember to follow your safeguarding procedures when you have any concerns about a child. If you are in any doubt always consult with your Designated Safeguarding Lead or contact Sefton Children’s Services Integrated Front Door on 0345 140 0845.

For guidance and resources for schools please visit the national Operation Encompass website:

You can access information provided to schools below:

Sefton School Briefing (JUNE 2023)

Operation Encompass CPD Presentation Slides (JULY 2023)


Website by:Taylorfitch