Multi-Agency Audits & Learning & Improvement Framework (LIF)

The role of Sefton SCP is crucial in undertaking multi-agency audits to be assured that children are safe, that practice with children and families is good and in line with Working Together 2023 and agencies are working collaboratively. The findings from audit are used to improve practice with children and families and multi-agency working.
Multi-Agency audits provide a robust and systematic approach to quality assurance and the modelling of a cycle of continuous learning through constructive challenge will establish a culture which will permeate through to front-line practice.
Sefton SCP undertake multi-agency audits and have produced a 'Guide for Professionals'
Safeguarding Partnerships should maintain a local learning and improvement framework which is shared across local organisations who work with children and families. This framework should enable organisations to be clear about their responsibilities, to learn from experience and improve services as a result.
Click to view the Sefton LIF