Safer Sleep for Baby
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is the sudden and unexplained death of a baby where no cause is found. While SIDS is rare, it can still happen and there are steps parents can take to help reduce the chance of this tragedy occurring.
Sefton SCP has a 'Conversation Tool' to enable all professionals who might be going into a home to spot any potential unsafe sleep environments for babies and young children. The tool was developed by the Pan Merseyside Child Death Overview Panel (CDOP) and is to support professionals to have simple safer sleep conversations with families and know how and where to get additional advice and support, if needed. CLICK HERE to download the Sefton tool.
Sefton SCP has produced some 'Safe Sleep Advice and Guidance'. Advice and guidance is offered to parents and carers at each contact (pre birth to 1 year old). Contacts and assessments will include practitioners offering to view baby's sleeping arrangements for both day and night sleeps in their current/planned sleeping environment. All professionals will take responsibility to provide safe sleep advice and guidance. CLICK HERE to download Sefton SCP SAFE SLEEP ADVICE AND GUIDANCE (including flowchart on 'what to do and what actions to take'.
‘Safer Sleep for Baby’ is based around six simple steps, that will help parents and carers keep their baby safe:
1. Keep baby away from smoke, before and after birth.
2. Put baby in a cot, crib or Moses basket to sleep - never fall asleep with them on a sofa or chair.
3. Never fall asleep with baby after drinking or taking drugs/medication.
4. Put baby to sleep on their back with their feet to the foot of the cot.
5. Keep baby’s head and face uncovered and make sure they don’t get too hot.
6. Breastfeed your baby - support is available if you need it.
Safer sleep messages are also available from midwives, health visitors and children’s centre staff in a variety of forms such as cot cards, room thermometers, bookmarks, postcards and posters.
Multi-Agency Safe Sleep Pathway Guidance (March 2017)
More information is available online at:
Poster - Safe Sleep (6 steps to safer sleep for baby)