Child Sexual Abuse
The Centre of Expertise on Child Sexual Abuse offers a wide variety of resources and information on the varying forms, signs, indicators and impact of child sexual abuse. Linked below are a series of information guides to support multi-agency practitioners in identifying and responding to child sexual abuse concerns or disclosures.

Contacting Sefton Children's Help & Advice Team (CHAT)
Professionals in all agencies should use their knowledge and agency resources to contact children's social care or the police about their concerns directly and to make a referral through the Children's Help and Advice Team (CHAT), by calling 0151 934 4013.
In such circumstances, a formal referral to Sefton Children's Social Care, the police or accident and emergency services (for any urgent medical treatment) must not be delayed by the need for consultation with management or the nominated safeguarding children adviser, or the completion of an assessment.
All professionals in agencies with contact with children and members of their families must make a referral to Sefton Children's Social Care if there are signs that a child or an unborn baby:
The timing of such referrals should reflect the level of perceived risk of harm, not longer than within one working day of identification or disclosure of harm or risk of harm.
In urgent situations / out of office hours, the referral should be made to the Sefton’s Children's Social Care emergency duty team / out of hour's team (0151 934 3555).

You can find further information on this topic, including the Pan Merseyside Child Sexual Abuse Pathway HERE.